Saturday 4 August 2012

Losing Momentum

It's been three months since the move and I'm ashamed to say that I have lost all momentum. To do anything. Partly because I am deep into the back-to-school/Christmas season of work but mostly because I've simply run out of steam. Major road repair is taking place right outside my home with the resulting noise and dirt pervading everywhere, even through the necessarily closed windows. I am shaken awake in the morning by the gathering of workmen and the start-up of monster machines. 
But also because I have the prospect of moving back to my old place in the building. I'd lose my lovely walk-in and still have a kitchen from hell but I'd gain a balcony. A little piece of outdoors where my old dog can lie and watch the world go by. 
The problem right now is unpacking. Why bother if I'm going to move again in a couple months? On the other hand, the stacks of books and boxes, piled up in closets or against the wall, is driving me around the bend. I'm slightly abashed when anyone walks by my open door. While my friends have snuck in one by one for a drink or dinner, they know there's no way in hell there's room for a housewarming in a cracker box of a place. 
Right now there's only room for me and Eddy in one messy bedroom of an apartment with a Nespresso machine. It's summer and maybe that's all I need.

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