Sunday 20 May 2012

Still Unpacking

Yes it's going on week three in boxes. It makes me laugh when friends say "So now that you've moved..." What? I'll finish my novel? Open a bakery? Travel round the world? I have moved but not unpacked. I moved boxes I hadn't unpacked from my last move and that was seven years ago. I must say those were the first boxes I opened. Found a first edition of The Shining  and all my old Classic Comics as well as my board games. (Risk anyone? I did unpack the tequila.)
But I'm dreading going down to the storage locker to get the first boxes I moved. Even though those boxes have my books. Because this place is filling up fast. My walk-in closet is more like a crawl-in. (I actually managed to fit my bike in there.) Thank God for the long weekend so I can clean out that closet. And hang up pictures. And organize the kitchen.
At least the bedroom and bathroom are done. To make up for the lack of a linen closet, I moved an old Ikea bookcase next to the tub. (I've got the make-up and assorted cleansers on top, then the hair appliances and my towels on the bottom.) 
Unfortunately, like most apartments I've lived in, the tub looks like the original one. This doesn't mean it's a nice deep clawfoot, then I wouldn't mind the chips or the brushstrokes of an amateur repaint job. Or the constant drip or the lousy drainage which means I'm showering ankle-deep in water. (Did you know landlords aren't required to use a real plumber? Yet more and more leases require the tenant to take responsibility for plumbing or at least blockages.) Still, it's a step-up from the last place where the bathroom vent looked like a Louisiana swamp. Remember when landlords cleaned air vents on a yearly basis? Now even if it looks like a Louisiana swamp, good-luck in getting anyone from the city or the Regie to do anything. Even though the health ramifications of indoor air pollution are on the rise. But that's another blog...

1 comment:

  1. Ok I am back online for this week but soon to go on vacation as the impending move looms on the horizon.
